Amachris recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. We spoke to the owners about how the business has evolved over the years, the challenges that have shaped their growth, and the lessons learned along the way.
Q1: What are the major milestones the company has achieved over the past two decades?
Amachris is a proudly owned and operated Canadian business, building exceptional retail spaces for industry-leading international brands across the country. From humble beginnings in 2004, it’s an incredible achievement that we have become a national company. Among the accomplishments we are most proud of is the team we have created, and the genuine relationships we have with our clientele. We measure success not just in the extraordinary stores we’ve brought to life, but also in the quality of the relationships we’ve been able to grow. This is at the core of who we are as a company, and we take pride in that.
Q2: How has the industry landscape changed since the company's inception?
Amachris is a niche organization. We are unique in that we only build retail stores from coast-to-coast. Over the past 20 years, we have become experts in the field of retail construction because we understand that we are not just in the construction business but are in the fashion and design industries. Working closely with world-leading retailers, we have seen some of the most spectacular stores and designs in the world. More and more, retailers are putting design and intention at the forefront of their retail builds.
"I have learned that there are three key instruments to master when owning and operating a business. One–enjoy what you do and seek out people of like mind; Two–demonstrate honour and integrity; And three–build beautiful things!" –Franco Pignotti Managing Director, Amachris
Q3: How did the pandemic affect the company, and what strategies were implemented to navigate through the challenges?
The pandemic was an unforeseen occurrence that affected many industries across the country. During this time, we were in unknown territory–like so many others who own and operate a business in North America. When returning to work was permitted, Amachris put an enormous amount of care into the wellbeing of all employees and contracted workers to ensure a healthy and safe working environment was provided. Health and safety have always been a top priority.
Q4: What sustainable practices have been implemented to contribute to a greener future?
In collaboration with our customers, Amachris has built a number of flagship projects incorporating sustainable design and execution. We have seen the use of materials including wood, recycled metal, recycled plastic, as well as the monitoring of air quality. We are excited to participate in retailers bringing these green materials into their store locations.
Q5: What exciting plans and initiatives does the company have in store for the future?
Amachris plans to continue orchestrating and producing spectacular retail builds across the country. We are committed to our clients and look forward to supporting their continued growth. We have also found purpose in supporting our community. Caledon is a warm and hardworking township, and we help several organizations and initiatives assisting animals, families and children’s sports. Continuing this important work will always be a part of who we are.
Visit Amachris to learn more about their exiciting projects.